
Below is a list of popular SGE commands.


submit a batch job to Sun Grid Engine

Run ‘qsub’ to to submit script:

$ qsub

Error ‘e’ and output ‘o’ files are created in your home directory:


You can monitor job status with qstat.

Below is a subset of qsub options you may define:
-M emailaddress
Change ‘emailaddress’ to specify where you want to receive notifications
The default value is the email address specified in the .forward file in your home directory
-m b|e|a|s|n
The frequency of e-mail notifications.
The default is:
-m as
The arguments have the following meaning:
- b : Mail is sent at the beginning of the job
- e : Mail is sent at the end of the job
- a : Mail is sent when the job is aborted or rescheduled
- s : Mail is sent when the job is suspended
- n : No mail is sent
-e path
The directory for SGE error files
Change ‘path’ to the directory where Grid Engine saves error files
e.g. $HOME/sge/logs
The default is your home directory. If you change the default, verify the directory exists
-o path
The directory for SGE output files (can be the same as above)
Change ‘path’ to the directory where Grid Engine saves error files
e.g. $HOME/sge/logs
The default is your home directory. If you change the default, verify the directory exists
-N name
The name of the job
e.g. -N test
-j yes
Merge the output and error files
-l mem_free=value
Define the memory requirements for your job
Change ‘value’ to the amount of memory required by your script.
e.g. -l mem_free=15G reserves 15GB of RAM for the script

A full list of options is described in the qsub manual page, available from the command line:

man qsub

The manual page may be navigated with the space bar and arrow keys. Type ‘q’ to quit.


prints a summary of everyone’s submitted jobs, and lists your running jobs with system CPU/memory information.


deletes a job from the queue

To delete all of your jobs:

$ qdel -u $USER


$USER will be interpreted by the shell as your unix account name. You may use $USER in shell commands and shell scripts instead of your unix account name.

To delete a single job:

$ qdel 6033


prints information about incomplete jobs, including errors and scheduling information. See qstat for more information.


prints information about completed jobs, including how much memory a job used. See memory reservation for more information.