.. _nomachinev3: | :Last modified: |today| | NoMachine Client v3 Configuration ================================= .. Note:: If you're using Mac OSX, see :ref:`NoMachine v5 Configuration`. #. Launch the NX Configuration Wizard #. Create a name for the session. Enter the hostname 'nxgw.neuro.berkeley.edu', and click 'Next': .. image:: images/nx/hostname.png #. In the 'Desktop' section, the default is 'unix'. Do not change this. #. In the 'Display' section, use the dropdown menu to select a display size. Choose a fixed resolution, e.g. 1024x768. The default (Available Area) is not recommended, because the mouse may become unusable (a cross-hair) after a session is suspended/resumed. .. image:: images/nx/nx-display.png #. Check the box: 'Show the Advanced Configuration dialog', and then click 'Finish'. .. image:: images/nx/nx3.png #. Click the button labelled 'Key' .. image:: images/nx/nx-key.png #. Click the 'NX private key' link below. At the login prompt, use the same username/password for login access to the Neuro cluster. :download:`NX private key ` #. Replace the contents of the 'DSA key' window with the key you just downloaded. .. image:: images/nx/nx-dsakey.png .. attention:: Verify that the Key includes the first (-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----) and last (-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----) lines. The image above does not contain the correct private key for security reasons. ...and click 'Save'. .. #. If you installed the OpenNX client, the keyboard settings may be incorrect (e.g. a backspace may result in a comma). To fix this problem, use the `keyboard mapping workaround instructions `_. #. If you're using Microsoft Windows, then modify the NX screen update settings: #. Select the 'Advanced' tab at the top of the screen #. Check the box 'Disable deferred screen updates' #. Check the box 'Disable DirectDraw for screen rendering' .. image:: images/nx/nx-advanced-mswin.png ...and click 'Save'. .. seealso:: On Windows NX clients, the MATLAB window refresh rate may be slow. For more information, see :ref:`MATLAB Performance`.